Debian no public keys available message
sudo aptitude install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring
sudo aptitude install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring
What services are using ipv6 on the server? None! Sounds like a potential security issue. These notes cover disabling ipv6 on Debian Wheezy. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add those parameters to kernel. Also be sure to add extra lines for other network interfaces you want to disable IPv6. net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 … Continue reading Disable ipv6
This post describes how to get SELinux running on a Xen guest (domU) that is running Debian Wheezy. First, you need a guest that is booted by pvgrub and running a distro-supplied kernel ie, a regular (non-Xen) linux image. All that is convered in my previous post on booting unprivileged domains in Xen with pvgrub … Continue reading Enable SELinux on Xen guest running Debian Wheezy
Goal: Have guest domains boot with their own kernel, or in other words, be able to run a kernel different than the host. Moreover, this means maintainer of the guest can be responsible for dealing with kernel updates. You can do this with pygrub, but there are reasons you may want to use pvgrub. Note … Continue reading Using PvGrub to Start Xen Guests on Debian Wheezy
Get a list of URLs for a website using wget: wget -r -nv -nd –delete-after “your-url-goes-here” 2>&1 | sed -n ‘/->/{/URL:/s/.*URL:\([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/^[ ]*$/d;p}’
To burn cd images from the command line in Debian squeeze you need two packages: (1) genisoimage (2) wodim To make an ISO image of a directory simply type: genisoimage -o outfile_name some_directory To burn the image use wodim. First figure out which optical drive to use by asking wodim for a list: tom@osmium:~$ wodim … Continue reading Burn CDs from the Command Line
Visitors to your website will experience faster page loads if you take some steps to enable caching of static content, such as CSS files, javascript and images. One simple way to enable such caching is to use mod_expires with Apache. If you run your own server you can easily enable this module. If you are … Continue reading Caching Static Content with mod_expires and Apache