Here find summarized our experiences with some hosting providers. In most cases we have worked on more than one site on each host, and maintained them over a period of a couple years. Hopefully this can help you find reliable hosting company for your site. is the best shared hosting web host. We have hosted on their least expensive plan since 2004, which now includes unlimited domains, unlimited mysql databases and ridiculous bandwidth. Uptime is very good but they have occasional server, dns and network issues, all of which are documented in their blog. That said, their issues are not any more in number than other shared hosting providers, and they can actually tell you in technical details what went wrong. Support is very good: they respond quickly and are knowledgeable. I don”t really remember a time when I had to submit a ticket more than once to get something fixed. They have a custom control panel for managing your account and domains which is better than any other web interface I”ve used. You can request shell access. is the best place to host a site if you are on a tight budget. Moreover its a very programmer-friendly environment. They now offer VPS hosting as well. They also publish a monthly email newsletter to keep you up to date on changes.
If you are looking for a dedicated server and awesome support look no further than They can set up a server to your specifications including OS and partitioning of the disk. The support is fantastic. has been our best experience with dedicated server hosting and overall our best hosting experience, period. offers a VPS hosting service which is excellent. Includes cpanel and WHM (web host manager) in the backend for easy maintenance. You can get SSH access; select which IPs can get throught the firewall using web host manager. Hosting support is very good. Check out VPS Hosting by InMotion Hosting.
Recently we set up a domain on a VPS hosting account at They also offer dedicated server hosting. The set up was quick and the price is very attractive.
Lunarpages has excellent uptime and support for shared hosting. They have cpanel interface, phpmyadmin but no shell access. Overall, I”d say they offer the best overall shared hosting in terms of performance, service and uptime. Some of our biggest projects are hosted at lunarpages.